Thursday, February 21, 2008

Flammis acribus addictis

"Goodbye, Father. I'll speak for you.
I speak for all mediocrities in the world.
I am their champion.
I am their patron saint.
On their behalf I deny Him, your God of no mercy.
Your God who tortures men with longings they can never fulfill.
He may forgive me: I shall never forgive Him.
Mediocrities everywhere, now and to come:
I absolve you all!"

(Peter Shaffer, Amadeus)


Anonymous said...

Rojo fresa, rojo semáforo, rojo extintor, rojo rosa, rojo pintalabios, rojo carmesí... rojo cirio... qué bonito es el rojo!

Bonita foto!

Yo y mis otros yo said...

Gracia de luz que se esconde, pequeñas, obedientes siguiendo el vaiven de la brisa que las acosa...
saludos múltiples ...